Coral Gables, often known as “The City Beautiful,” is a picturesque city in Miami-Dade County, Florida. Its history began in the early 1920s, when George E. Merrick, an ambitious real estate developer, envisioned a city characterized by Mediterranean Revival architecture and lush landscaping. Merrick’s dream materialized in 1925, with Coral Gables officially incorporated as a city.
The city’s design was influenced by Merrick’s passion for classical European styles, and he meticulously planned its streets, parks, and buildings. Coral Gables quickly gained a reputation for its grandeur, featuring landmarks like the Biltmore Hotel, an opulent structure that became a symbol of the city’s prosperity.
Despite facing challenges such as the Great Depression and subsequent economic fluctuations, Coral Gables evolved into a thriving community. Its distinctive architecture and green spaces, including the famous Venetian Pool and the Coral Gables Country Club, contributed to its reputation as a charming, upscale enclave.
Today, Coral Gables maintains its historical charm while embracing modernity, balancing its rich heritage with contemporary living.
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With over 20 years of experience, Oscar Arellano is your Coral Gables Realtor! Not finding what you’re looking for? Make sure to sign up for listing alerts so that you get notified as soon as new homes hit the market.